Source code for fsfc.generic.SPEC

from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import rbf_kernel, cosine_similarity

from fsfc.base import KBestFeatureSelector

[docs]class SPEC(KBestFeatureSelector): """ SPEC-family of feature selection algorithms. Every algorithm of this family creates graph representation of distribution of samples in a high-dimensional space. Samples becomes vertices and RBF-distance between them becomes weight of the edge. Algorithms use Spectral Graph Theory to calculate features scores. Based on the article `"Spectral feature selection for supervised and unsupervised learning." <>`_. """ @abstractmethod def _calc_spec_scores(self, degree, laplacian, normalised_features, normaliser): """ Calculate SPEC scores for the method Parameters ---------- degree: ndarray Degree matrix of the graph laplacian: ndarray Laplacian of the graph normalised_features: ndarray Feature vectors, normalised by normaliser normaliser: ndarray Vector computed by the degree matrix and used for normalisation of feature vectors and laplacian Returns ------- scores: ndarray Scores of features """ pass def _calc_scores(self, x): similarity = rbf_kernel(x) adjacency = similarity degree_vector = np.sum(adjacency, 1) degree = np.diag(degree_vector) laplacian = degree - adjacency normaliser_vector = np.reciprocal(np.sqrt(degree_vector)) normaliser = np.diag(normaliser_vector) normalised_laplacian = weighted_features = np.matmul(normaliser, x) normalised_features = weighted_features / np.linalg.norm(weighted_features, axis=0) return self._calc_spec_scores(degree, normalised_laplacian, normalised_features, normaliser)
[docs]class NormalizedCut(SPEC): """ Feature selection algorithm that represents samples as vertices of graph. Weights of edges of this graph are equal to RBF-distances between points. Algorithm attempts to find minimal cut in this graph. Algorithm selects k features which were `separated` by this cut as they are considered to be better for explanation of the dataset. Parameters ---------- k: int Number of features to select """ def _calc_spec_scores(self, degree, laplacian, normalised_features, normaliser): all_to_all = normalised_features.transpose().dot(laplacian).dot(normalised_features) return np.diag(all_to_all)
[docs]class GenericSPEC(NormalizedCut): """ Feature selection algorithm that represents samples as vertices of graph. Weights of edges of this graph are equal to RBF-distances between points. Algorithm uses Spectral Graph Theory to find features with the best separability. To do this, algorithm finds the trivial eugenvector of the Laplacian of the graph and uses it to normalise scores computed using :class:`NormalizedCut`. Such normalisation helps to improve accuracy of feature selection according to the article SPEC family is based on. Algorithm selects top k features according to this scores Parameters ---------- k: int Number of features to select """ def _calc_spec_scores(self, degree, laplacian, normalised_features, normaliser): normalised_cut = super()._calc_spec_scores( degree, laplacian, normalised_features, normaliser ) trivial_eugenvector =[normalised_features.shape[0], 1])) norm = 1 - normalised_features.transpose().dot(trivial_eugenvector).squeeze().transpose() return normalised_cut / norm
[docs]class FixedSPEC(SPEC): """ Feature selection algorithm that represents samples as vertices of graph. Weights of edges of this graph are equal to RBF-distances between points. Algorithm uses Spectral Graph Theory to find features with the best separability in assumption that points are separated to the predefined number of clusters To do this, algorithm finds eigenvectors corresponding to K smallest eigenvalues of the Laplacian of the graph, except the trivial one, and uses cosine distance between them and feature vectors to detect the most explaining features. Algorithm selects k features using this score. Parameters ---------- k: int Number of features to select clusters: int Expected number of clusters """ def __init__(self, k, clusters): super().__init__(k) self.clusters = clusters def _calc_spec_scores(self, degree, laplacian, normalised_features, normaliser): values, vectors = np.linalg.eigh(laplacian) result = np.zeros([normalised_features.shape[1]]) for k in range(1, self.clusters): eigenvalue = values[k] eigenvector = vectors[:, k] cosines = np.zeros_like(result) for i in range(normalised_features.shape[1]): feature = normalised_features[:, i] similarity = cosine_similarity([eigenvector], [feature])[0] cosines[i] = similarity * similarity result += (2 - eigenvalue) * cosines return -result